


Paula González Seguel (1983, Santiago de Chile) is an Artist, Director, playwright, academic, documentary filmmaker, musician and cultural manager. She is a graduate of the Performing Arts program at Mayor University (2009), specialized in Theatre Direction at La Memoria Theatre Research Center (2010), and has a master in Documentary Film from the University of Chile (2022). Paula is the Founder and Artistic Director of KIMVN Theatre Company (2008-2023). Since 2017 she has collaborated in Art and Social Sciences, with the Center for Intercultural and Indigenous Studies CIIR, at the Catholic University of Chile. 

Paula has directed Documentary theatre works; “Ñi Pu Tremen - My Ancestors” (Santiago, Chile, 2008), “Descuajado Territory. Testimony of a mixed country” (Santiago, Chile, 2011) “Galvarino” (Santiago, Chile, 2022), “ÑUKE. An intimate look of the Mapuche resistance” (Santiago, Chile, 2016), “ÑIAMI TAÑI PIXAN - her soul disappeared” (Mérida, México, 2017), the theatrical concert "UL KIMVN. Wisdom singing" (Santiago, Chile, 2018), “TREWA. State - Nation or the specter of Betrayal” (Santiago, Chile, 2019), “La Mémoire Bafouée” (Festival Sens Interdits, France, 2021), “IXOFIJ MONGEN. All Lives Without Exception” (Teatro A Mil International Festival, Chile, 2022), “Ancestral Future” (TEPI Festival, São Paulo-Sesc, 2023), “La Lègion Imaginaire” (Royal Conservatory of Liège, Belgium, 2023), among others.

Her research and creation work in performing arts, around the documentary genre, addresses themes related to memory, native people, political violence and human rights, and has been recognized in Chile, France, Brazil, South Korea, Argentina, Australia, Cuba and Mexico, among other territories. She has also been part of important festivals with her creations and pedagogical activities: “Santiago a Mil International Theatre Festival”; “Les Translatines” Bayonne, France; “Sens Interdits” Lyon, France; “FIT & SESC International Theatre Festival”, São Paulo, Brazil; “Seoul Marginal Theatre Festival” Seoul, South Korea; “IX Latin American Group Theatre Show” Cooperativa Paulista, Sao Paulo, Brazil; “Eighth La Rendija Theatre Festival” Mérida-Yucatán, México; “IV Meeting of Young Thought and Creation in the Americas” Havana, Cuba; “Wilberto Cantón Performing Arts Festival” Peón Contreras Municipal Theatre, Mérida-Yucatán; México, “MITSp”, Sao Paulo, Brazil; “ESCÉNICA”, Mexico City; “COMING SOON”, KVS- Belgium; “WARM UP ” Montpellier, France; and “Rimes” TNP International Stage Direction Meeting, Lyon, France; “International Book Fair” of Buenos Aires, Argentina.

In 2018, she published the book “Dramaturgies of the Resistance. KIMVN Teatro Marry Xipantv”, and in 2022 she premiered her first documentary film: “ÑI PU TREMEN. The film”, being part of the Indigenous Film + Video Showcase, “Sens Interdits Festival”, “Arica Nativa Film Festival” and “Fic Wallmapu”.


Matthew MacKenzie


Matthew MacKenzie is a citizen of the Métis Nation of Alberta and proud father of Ivan (Eevan, Vanya, Vanichka).  Artistic Director of Punctuate! Theatre, Matthew is also the founder and an Artistic Associate with Pyretic Productions, a founding member of the Pemmican Collective, as well as Canadian Liaison of the Liberian Dance Troupe.  Matt’s plays include First Métis Man of Odesa, Bears, After the Fire and The Particulars